28 Days Later
I just watched 28 Days Later for the second time and it totally rocks! Not only is it as scary as all hell, it is extremely well made, acted, and directed.
I just watched 28 Days Later for the second time and it totally rocks! Not only is it as scary as all hell, it is extremely well made, acted, and directed.
I just finished playing the 2013 release of Tomb Raider and it was totally amazing! Read my summary and feed back on the story and gameplay here.
Piers Anthony novels are an excellent source of fantasy entertainment! They are lighthearted, fun, and easy to read. I have not read them all yet but I will!
A nostalgic reminiscing of 1990s magic cards. New unopened Retro Magic: The Gathering booster packs in Mirage & Alliances. And a retro mtg draft.
Some insight to how I DM and my custom home made Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Character Sheets!
Manufacturer defect of the Lord of the Rings Illustrated by Alan Lee, with the title pages, table of contents, forward, prologue, and map bound upside down.
100% completion in Banjo Kazooie done right. Totally fun and a total blast from the past! Notes, Jiggies, Honeycomb, Cheato, and Boss Battle.
Star Trek The Next Generation Drinking Game. Drink every time Picard tugs on his uniform shirt. Drink if the enterprise goes into Red Alert.
Vault-tec Reminds you that while you can spend this this cash on any XBox goodies.... Vault Boy highly recommends Braid, Limbo, and Terraria.